All Vehicle

Protection Plan

Over $3,000 of potential annual savings


Protection Plan

Over $3,000 of potential annual savings

All Vehicle Protection Plan

  • 1 Year - $159

  • All Vehicle Deductible Reimbursement
    Up to $1,000 per loss, unlimited losses per year

  • All Vehicle Repair Reimbursement
    20% up to $500 per repair, max $1,000 per year

  • Emergency Travel
    Up to $1,000 per year

  • ID Theft Restoration

  • Warranty Vault

  • Bundle vehicle & home for just $299

Home Protection Plan

  • 1 Year - $159

  • Home Deductible Reimbursement
    Up to $2,500, 1 claim per 12 mo.

  • Home Glass Breakage
    Up to $200 to replace the broken window, 2 claims per 12 mo.

  • Home Lockout
    Up to $100 per lockout, 2 claims per 12 mo.

  • Appliance / Electronic Repair
    Up to $500 per occurrence, max $1,000/12 mo.)
    Receive a 50% reimbursement of the payment made to a repair facility to repair an appliance or piece of Electronic Equipment

  • Warranty Vault

  • Bundle vehicle & home for just $299

All Vehicle Protection Plan

Home Protection Plan